FELDER – Approche for generating parametric TCN from DXF

1. Open DXF in TPAEDIT and generate TCN file
Editor will generate SETUPs and moves base on your drawing. You can remove / move lines in correct position on piece. SHIFT + LEFT MOUSE allow you to make selection of more part. When you finish save your file. Don’t use ” ” (space) in name of file. For example use name like Piece_1.tcn and save it in your working folder inside WDFlash e.g. c:\WDFlash\Product\DXF_TCN\ This will generate file c:\WDFlash\Product\DXF_TCN\Piece_1.tcn

2. Open TCN in text editor and create parametric TCN file
This step you can make in TPAEDIT but in text editor is much better choice. Open your file Piece_1.tcn and do following:

Add parameter definition and default values

with this:
#0=-10|Cut deep|w|f|cutdeep
#2=0.5|Correction Offset (mm)|w|f|coroff

Make SETUP – W#89 parametric:
Replace #3=0 #205=1001 #36=0.5 with #3=r0 #205=r1 #36=r2 in ALL lines which start with W#89. If #205=1001 #36=0.5 is missing in line just add them there.
W#89{ ::WTs WS=29 #1=511.364 #2=693.961 #3=0 #205=1001 #40=2 #36=0.5 #9510=0 }W
W#2201{ ::WTl #8015=1 #1=-447.632 #2=0.0 }W
W#2201{ ::WTl #8015=1 #1=877.418 #2=-100.594 }W

W#89{ ::WTs WS=29 #1=511.364 #2=693.961 #3=r0 #205=r1 #40=2 #36=r2 #9510=0 }W
W#2201{ ::WTl #8015=1 #1=-447.632 #2=0.0 }W
W#2201{ ::WTl #8015=1 #1=877.418 #2=-100.594 }W

Don’t forget to save your file.

3. Reopen file with TPAEDIT
If file is not loaded correctly you make something wrong 🙂 If you see your operation. Don’t forget to check tools corrections – if tool is moving on outside of profile. Save file.

4. Using parametric TCN in final program
Open new TCN file and add your Piece_1.tcn as subprogram. Set parameters for cutdeep (-12), tool (1001), correction(0.5). Repeat this step but set cutdeep (-24). Of course you can add addition, and change tool and correction as you want. Save file as e.g. Piece_FINAL.tcn

5. Reusing final program
Make copy of final program. Open program in text editor. Replace strong text.
W#2010{ ::WT2 WS=1 #8060=0 #8098=..\dxf_tcn\piece_1.tcn #8101=0 #8015=0 #8014=0 #8132=0 #8110=0 #8103=0 #8104=0 #8100=0 #8118=0 #8120=0 #8107=0 #8108=0 #8500=-12 #8501=1001 #8502=0.5 }W

#8098=..\dxf_tcn\piece_1.tcn can changed to point your new file e.g Piece_2.tcn (via step 1 and 2) #8098=..\dxf_tcn\piece_2.tcn

This is not best approche.
Some more information can by found here